On the voodoo trail through Togo & Benin
In voodoo masks and spirits have big role
Secret women society mask and dance
Secret women society mask and dance
Singing at the secret women society dance
Clapping hands
100 years old man is still each day working in the field
Her ancestors escaped from slavery in to the hills
Old style blacksmith hits the steel with the stone
Typical farmhouse made to be safe from robbers and wild animals
Typical farm house safe from robbers and wild animals. Under the straw is granary
Guardian of the sacred baobab
Village of the escaped from slavery in the hills
King of the escaped from slavery. Elderly wise men choose the king
Princes with the scar of the royals
Elderly wise man
Internationally known voodoo psychiatrist in West Africa
Pregnant woman cooking in the big cauldron
Woman in trans held by other women. She could harm herself
Women dancing and cooling down from trans
Elephants in NP Pendjari, Benin